5.4.1. ProjectsList


List of projects available for the user with the specified user_id value. List also contains additional information, such as a user role, a number of running probes and active tasks, etc.


  • user_id - an integer value, a user identifier;

  • type (optional field) - a string, a project list filter. Depending on the given value, the following projects are displayed:
    own - projects that are owned by the user;
    shared - projects with the shared access provided to the user;
    all - default value, all available projects for the user.
  • limit_value (optional field) - an integer value, a maximum number of projects in a reply. It allows splitting the result list into several pages. Default value is 25;

  • page (optional field) - an integer value, allows selecting a result page. Default value is 1.


  • id - an integer value, a user identifier;

  • title - a string, a project name;

  • founder - a string, a name or e-mail of a project owner;

  • role - a string, the user role in a project (more details in the Boro User Guide):
    owner - the user is a project owner;
    admin - the user is provided with the shared access with the Administrator rights to a project;
    user - the user is provided with the shared access with the Viewer rights to a project;
    engineer - the user is provided with the shared access with the Engineer rights to a project;
    operator - the user is provided with the shared access with the Operator rights to a project;
    unknown - the role is not defined. The request is performed for the user with the Solution Superuser rights (having the access to all projects).
  • live_apps_count - an integer value, a number of running probes;

  • live_channels_count - an integer value, a number of running probe tasks (channels or OTT services);

  • live_streams_count - an integer value, a number of streams under the license (see terms of the User License Agreement);

  • current_page - an integer value, a displayed result page;

  • total_pages - an integer value, a total number of result pages with limit_value specified;

  • limit_value - an integer value, a maximum number of projects in a reply.


Request by the cURL utility
curl \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   --data '{"user_id":4,"methods":[{"method":"ProjectsList", "params":{"type":"all", "limit_value": 2, "page":1}}]}'
               "founder":"Mark Twain",
               "founder":"Julia Jonson",