5.7.4. TaskEvents


Uploading event or status records for a specific task. In the Elecard Boro interface, the journal of such records can be found at the bottom of the task page on the TASK EVENTS tab.


        "events": [(string)],
  • user_id - an integer value, a user identifier;

  • project_id - an integer value, a user project identifier;

  • task_id - an integer value, a task identifier;

  • events - an array of strings, filter of uploaded events. The reply will contain only information about the selected types of events/states.

  • limit_value (optional field) - an integer, the maximum number of records in the reply, allows you to paginate the result. The default value is 25, the maximum value is 100;

  • page (optional field) - an integer, selection of a page with result. The default value is 1. Does not apply to requests with update_token;

  • update_token (optional field) - a string, a request key. To get the records accumulated relative to the previous request, you should pass the key received in the last reply. It is used to get data from the first page only, and the number of returned records is limited by the value of the limit_value field (maximum 100 records).