5.5.4. AppStoppedTasks


List of stopped probe tasks and detailed information about their settings. The request is addressed for only one probe. Repeat the query to poll the next probe.


  • user_id - an integer value, a user identifier;

  • project_id - an integer value, a user project identifier;

  • app_id - an integer value, a probe identifier;

  • limit_value (optional field) - an integer value, a maximum number of projects in a reply. It allows splitting the result list into several pages. Default value is 25;

  • page (optional field) - an integer value, allows selecting a result page. Default value is 1.


  • app_id - an integer value, a probe identifier;

  • page - an integer value, a displayed result page;

  • limit_value - an integer value, a maximum number of projects in a reply;

  • total_pages - an integer value, a total number of result pages with limit_value specified;

  • id - an integer value, a task identifier;

  • app_id - an integer value, a probe identifier;

  • name - a string, a stream name (e.g. a channel name);

  • uri - a string, a path to an analysed stream (a service, a file);

  • start - a string, a task creation date and time;

  • start_f - a real number, a task creation date in the format of Unix time with a fractional part (to increase the accuracy);

  • status - a string, a task status. Stopped - a task is stopped;

  • end - a string, a task stop date and time;

  • end_f - a real number, a task stop date in the format of Unix time with a fractional part;

  • profiles - an object, a list of profile identifiers of the notification system, record settings and service availability:
    • alarm - an array of integer values, an identifier of the Alarm notification triggers profile. The current implementation supports using only one profile of this type;

    • email - an array of integer values, identifiers of the E-mail notification triggers profiles;

    • threshold - an array of integer values, an identifier of a settings profile and thresholds. The current implementation supports using only one profile of this type;

    • pagerduty - an array of integer values, the profile identifiers of notification triggers to the PagerDuty system;

    • record - an array of integer values, identifiers of a record settings profiles;

    • snmp - an array of integer values, identifiers of the SNMP notification triggers profiles;

    • webhook - an array of integer values, identifiers of the Webhook notification triggers profiles;

    • telegram - an array of integer values, profile identifiers of notification triggers to the Telegram messenger;

    • kpi - an array of integer values, a profile identifier of service availability profile. The current implementation supports using only one profile of this type.

  • service - a string, a service (channel) identification name used to consolidate service states and errors from different monitoring points. This field binds the project tasks from different probes to be displayed in MosaicView;

  • tags - a string, a list of tags separated by commas. Tags are used to filter displaying on different views;

  • config - an object, an additional information about a task and task settings. The structure is described in more detail in the section Task Configuration 1.


The structures of the task configuration received in API request and the configuration in the monitor.cfg file are similar.


Request by the cURL utility
curl \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   --data '{"user_id":4,"methods":[{"method":"AppStoppedTasks", "params":{"project_id":23,"app_id":702, "limit_value": 2, "page":1}}]}'
Part of a reply to information request
            "start":"2020-02-27 21:47:15 +0700",
            "end":"2020-02-27 21:48:20 +0700",