4.2. Uploading Reports via FTP and SFTP

In Boro Solution, you can send KPI reports with monitoring statistics via FTP and SFTP protocols. To do this, you need to configure an FTP/SFTP server.

  1. Open the Project SettingsGeneral Settings page and go to the FTP/SFTP section. You can configure two different servers or one server with different paths to a folder for storing uploaded files.

  2. Enter the first server address in the Server # 1 field and select a protocol from the drop-down list in the Protocol field. Type in the Username and Password for accessing the server and provide Existing folder path that will be used for uploading reports. If necessary, configure the second server.

  3. Validate configuration settings by clicking on the Upload Test File button. If the upload is successful, the file will be available on the server. Otherwise, you will see the Uploading test file is failed message.

  4. If validation is successful, click Save.


Reports are generated on the KpiView page in the Reports tab. To generate and upload a report via FTP/SFTP, select the required server from the Upload to drop-down list in the List of Report Recipients section.

You can also upload previously generated reports to the server. Go to the Actions column in the Reports history table and click on the ftpIcon icon. Select the server address from the drop-down list and click Upload. If the upload was not successful, you will see the failedFTPDownload icon next to the FTP icon.

A detailed guide on reports is available in the Reports Tab section of the User Guide.